Interview a Gatherer

"Behind every source of inspiration that you find is an actual person: A real human who did the work to understand their world... That is hard work. Acknowledge it. See your sources; find out who they are or were. Explore their work and understand more about them. Reading is learning from teachers who are always there for you. Express your gratitude to them. Be authentic. Steal like an artist. Acknowledge and refer, appreciate, and learn. Borrow from your sources with grace and reverence. Give credit where credit is due, and make it your own truth."

~Charlotte Burgess-Auburn from You Need A Manifesto

Try to find someone who has done a gathering similar to the one you are hosting and interview them. Record the conversation if you can for note-taking purposes. Otherwise, take notes while you are interviewing them.

  • Prepare some questions in advance.

  • Discuss their insights and experiences.

  • Write and reflect on the interview and its relevance to your gathering project in a Google doc.

    • How do their actions/strategies reflect or disconnect with Priya Parker's suggestions/strategies?

    • Heidi's is a wonderful example!

  • Post a link to it on our Discord in the #interviews channel.

  • Upload the doc to your project documentation folder for your end of semester deliverables.

Last updated