Gathering Outline

Design and curate a gathering of your own that incorporates the principles that resonate with you in The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker.

You need to decide whether or not your gathering will be:

  • planned and organized individually or as a team or group

  • in-person or virtual

  • One-off or serial

The number of gatherings you will design and host will depend on the scope of your gathering and whether it is serial or not.

Develop and articulate a clear purpose, audience, agenda, and desired outcome for your gathering(s).

Constantly iterate your plan over the course of the semester. It may grow and/or shrink over the course of the semester. Don't worry about "getting it right." The creative process is messy. This outline is a stepping stone to your overall plan.

Gathering Outline -> Why + Who + Where + What + When + How

  • Outline your gathering by using this Google slide template as a starting point! You can expand upon it and make it your own!

  • Your file name should be "[Your Name Here] Gathering Outline."

  • Post the URL on our #outlines Discord channel.

  • Add to your project documentation folder for your end of semester deliverables. This can be done by or before the end of the semester.

Outline Details

On each slide, outline the following:

  • Why - What is the intention behind your gathering? What is your gathering's purpose?

  • Who - Who is your first audience? What roles will be involved?

  • Where – Where will your gathering be located?

  • What - What will be involved?

  • When - When will your gathering take place?

  • How - What is your plan to design, develop, and produce your gathering? your process?

  • You can attack MoSCoW in two different ways. You can either add a slide and write down a bulleted list. Or you can apply MoSCoW to each slide individually.

Last updated