Individual "One-on-One" Conversations

Individual "One on One" Conversations will be held in-person or over Zoom on specific class days and at midterm and finals.

You can always schedule a conversation with me beyond your "one-on-one" conversation at Please schedule them via Zoom unless you want to meet on a Friday. If you want to meet on a Friday, you can schedule it in person via

Be prepared to present and discuss your work at your appointed time. Students should plan ahead and ensure that technical requirements necessary for the review of work are ready to go prior to meeting with the instructor. Also, have any required documents ready to go, as well.

Individual conversations are not optional. They are important and useful. Sometimes they are most useful exactly when you feel you have nothing to talk about or show. It is normal that you may sometimes have nothing "good" to show or even nothing at all. It is still important that you keep your appointment so that we can talk about that.

If for some unusual reason you cannot make your appointment one week, please swap times with a classmate. You can ask for someone to swap with you on our class Google Space.

Last updated