
The schedule and assignments are subject to change at the discretion of the professor! In addition, the schedule may shift from week to week depending on the progress of the class as a whole. If applicable means it depends on where you are in your process. Every gathering is different. Certain aspects of your gathering may take more or less time than others.

Wk 1 Jan 26, 2024 | BRAINSTORMING: Gatherings in General

During Our Gathering

  • Introduce yourself.

    • Preferred Name

    • Pronouns

    • Major

    • Year of Major

    • What are your expectations of this course?

  • Brainstorm and categorize different types of gatherings

  • 3-4pm Attend IDM Lecture Series: Negativeland in 370 Jay Street Room 325.

  • Brainstorm roles and elements of a gathering.

  • Reflect on a course/class as a gathering.

Wk 2 Feb 2, 2024 | IDEATION of Your Gathering(s)

Prepare for Our Gathering Today

Visual Intros (Google Slides)

Read and watch the following, answer these questions, and post your answers in the #reflections-and-responses Discord channel

During Our Gathering

Sunday, February 4, 2024 | LAST DAY OF DROP/ADD (to receive 100% of tuition & fees and not receive a grade of 'W')

Wk 3 February 9, 2024 | THE ART OF GATHERING BOOK -> Start With Why (Purpose is Your Compass) / Close Doors (Who and Where) / Manifestos & Mantras | Guest: Joey Schmit

Prepare for Our Gathering Today

Watch Third Places by Mina Le on YouTube (You do not need to watch the entire video. Watch the Third Places section: 7:30-21:30), answer these questions, and post your reflection in the #reflections-and-responses Discord channel

  • What are your past and current third places?

  • Is there a third place you wish existed?

  • Can you create that third place? Why or why not?

Please read the following chapters carefully from The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

  • One | Decide Why You're Really Gathering

  • Two | Close Doors

Write a reflection on the readings, addressing both chapters by discussing anything that resonated with you in the readings, as well as anything that didn't.

  • Post your answers in the #reflections-and-responses Discord channel.

Draft a Manifesto and Mantra as a creator or gatherer. We'll draft a gathering manifesto and mantra later.

  • Post your manifestos or links to your manifestos in the #manifestos Discord channel.

  • Post your mantra or links to your mantra in the #mantras Discord channel.

Begin brainstorming, researching, and outlining what kind of gathering you want to plan, organize, and execute for this semester!

  • Post links to your outline to the #outlines Discord channel.

During Our Gathering

Wk 4 February 16, 2024 | THE ART OF GATHERING BOOK -> Protect and Connect Your Guests & Create a Temporary Alternative World through Pop-Up Rules

Prepare for Our Gathering Today

Begin to flesh out your plan using your outline as a skeleton.

  • Post links to your plan in the #plans Discord channel.

Please read the following chapters carefully from The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

  • Three | Don't Be A Chill Host

  • Four | Create a Temporary Alternative World

  • Write a reflection on the readings, addressing both chapters by discussing anything that resonated with you in the readings, as well as anything that didn't. Post your reflection in the #reflections-and-responses Discord channel.

During Our Gathering

  • 5th Storytelling Summit

    • Tuesday, March 19, 2024, Bonomi Family Admissions Center, 27 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012

    • Our guest last week Joey Schmit said that, even though this is not a student event, I could have a couple of students from this class attend if you're interested. I'd like Sarah and another student to go if your schedule permits. Priya Parker will be the keynote speaker from 9:00 (9:30)–10:45 AM.

  • Discuss the readings for the week.

    • Please make sure you put your name in the title of all of your docs or in the body as a general rule of thumb.

    • Please make sure that you don't summarize but rather elaborate with what resonated with you or what you disagreed with in the chapters? Angelique's and Aidan's from this week are good ones to read to get an idea of taking that approach. Specificity is key.

  • Remember that these gatherings are yours, not mine. Questions to ask yourself.

    • Are you excited about your gathering(s)?

    • Are you succumbing to groupthink in this course?

    • Are you trying to please me as your professor? You shouldn't.

    • What are you discovering about yourself?

    • How are you contributing to others?

Monday, February 19, 2024 | NO CLASS President's Day / University Holiday

Wk 5 February 23, 2024 | THE ART OF GATHERING BOOK -> Priming, Ushering, Launching, and Why the Invitation Matters

Prepare for Our Gathering Today

  • Please add the URL(s) of your process and project management platform(s) to this shared google doc. Please note that they may be one and the same.

  • (OPTIONAL) Adapt the gathering checklist to your gathering.

  • Continue to iterate your plan and begin to enroll people, create assets, buy resources, etc. for your gathering if you haven't already started.

  • Please read the following chapters carefully from The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

    • Five | Never Start a Funeral with Logistics

    • Six | Keep Your Best Self Out of My Gathering

  • Write a reflection on the readings, addressing both chapters by discussing anything that resonated with you in the readings, as well as anything that didn't. Post your reflection in the #reflections-and-responses Discord channel.

  • Document and create entries in your process/project management platforms.

  • Remember that these gatherings are yours, not mine. Questions to ask yourself.

    • Are you excited about your gathering(s)?

    • Are you succumbing to groupthink in this course?

    • Are you trying to please me as your professor? You shouldn't.

    • What are you discovering about yourself?

    • How are you contributing to others?

During Our Gathering

  • Meet with your A-Teams!

    • Discuss your checklist and rules with your A-Team!

    • Discuss priming, ushering, and launching for your gathering(s).

    • Discuss your invite.

    • Discuss last week's progress and next steps.

    • Discuss any risks or problems.

    • Are you stuck anywhere? If so, why?

    • Are you procrastinating on something? If so, why?

  • Working Session

    • (If you haven't done so already), please schedule Midterm One on Ones: Monday or Tuesday, March 4 or March 5

    • Add the date(s) of your gathering(s) in this Google Doc.

    • Brainstorm a gathering checklist if you haven't done so.

    • Brainstorm possible rules for your gathering(s).

    • Brainstorm invitation for your gathering(s).

      • How have or will you invite people to your gathering? What was the exact language you used? Did you or will you have graphics or video for your invite?

    • Brainstorm priming, ushering, and launching for your gathering(s).

Wk 6 March 1, 2024 | THE ART OF GATHERING BOOK -> Heat Maps, Safe Spaces, Ground Rules, and Why Closings Matter

Prepare for Our Gathering Today

  • Please read the following chapters carefully from The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

    • Seven | Cause Good Controversy

    • Eight | Accept That There is An End

  • Write a reflection on the readings, addressing both chapters by discussing anything that resonated with you in the readings, as well as anything that didn't. Post your reflection in the #reflections-and-responses Discord channel.

During Our Gathering

  • Extra Credit: Attend Keynote for Liberal Studies Student Research Colloquium on Friday, April 5, 11 AM - 12 PM ET. However, there is breakfast before and lunch directly after. Location: Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Sq South 4th Floor, Eisner & Lubin Auditorium. RSVP Here:

  • Discuss the readings for the week.

  • Discuss the following rules and reflect how you can incorporate some rules for your own gathering:

    • If you do decide to come to the show and you have never been before, here are a few tips:

      1. Prepare yourself for sensory overload. You will certainly see records here which you have never seen before, and which you will never see again.

      2. Stay hydrated. There is a bar and there is (pretty good) pizza, but you’ll definitely want to bring water.

      3. Most dealers accept cash only. A few dealers accept credit cards.

      4. If you see an interesting table, investigate it right away. Some dealers do not do all three days of the show.

      5. If you see an interesting record, buy it immediately. It will likely not be there when you come back.

      6. Be prepared to see other people walking around with records you wish you had.

      7. Try to be tolerant of other customers and their elbows. Be gently but firm in establishing your personal space. This is New York City and some people can forget themselves when faced with all the amazing records and a time crunch.

      8. Have a plan. Go through the dealer list and map and plan out a strategy focused on your area of interest. Or just start at one corner and work your way to the next.

Wk 7 March 4 or 5, 2024 | Midterm One on Ones | NO CLASS on Friday, March 8
  • Interview a Gatherer DUE March 29. Post notes and key takeaways from the gatherer you interviewed in the #interviews Discord Channel as a Google Doc

  • Write an overall overview of key takeways and impressions of The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker and post to #reflections-and-responses Discord channel. DUE March 15

Prepare for our One on One

  • Complete your one-on-one: Midterm Self-Assessment by or before your meeting time. See more complete directions in the link.

Midterm One-on-One:

  • We will NOT be meeting as a class on Friday, March 8. De Angela will be out of town presenting at a conference.

  • Instead, I will meet with you one-on-one for your midterm one on one via Zoom on Monday March 4 or Tuesday, March 5. See Discord for times and/or check your email for the calendar invite.

  • Midterm One On Ones for All Students

Wk 8 March 15, 2024 | THE ART OF GATHERING BOOK -> Overall Reflections

Prepare for Our Gathering

  • Interview a Gatherer DUE March 29. Post notes and key takeaways from the gatherer you interviewed in the #interviews Discord Channel as a Google Doc!

  • Write an overall overview of key takeways and impressions of The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker if you have not done so already and post to #reflections-and-responses Discord channel as a Google Doc. DUE March 15.

  • Work on your gathering.

  • Document and create entries in your process/project management platforms.

During Class

  • Discuss your key takeaways and impressions of The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker if you have not done so already.

    • Dahong

    • Katrina

    • Maggie

    • Sarah

    • Sudipta

  • Present your gathering documentation for anyone who did a gathering for this class the past week or prior weeks.

    • Sarah - Mar 9

  • Meet with your A-Teams!

    • Discuss your revised checklist and rules with your A-Team!

    • Discuss any revisions for your priming, ushering, and launching for your gathering(s).

    • Discuss any revisions for your invite.

    • Discuss last week's progress and next steps.

    • Discuss any risks or problems.

    • Are you stuck anywhere? If so, why?

    • Are you procrastinating on something? If so, why?

  • Share and discuss your gathering process and progress with the class.

Friday, March 22, 2024 | NO CLASS Spring Break

Monday, March 25, 2024 | NYU Midterm Progress DUE

Wk 9 March 29, 2024 | THE ART OF GATHERING BOOK -> Overall Reflections cont.

Prepare for Our Gathering

  • Work on your 1st or 2nd gathering depending on if you've already done your 1st gathering. Use the gathering documentation slides as a guide.

During Class

  • Meet with your A-Teams!

    • Discuss your revised checklist and rules with your A-Team!

    • Discuss any revisions for your priming, ushering, and launching for your gathering(s).

    • Discuss any revisions for your invite.

    • Discuss last week's progress and next steps.

    • Discuss any risks or problems.

    • Are you stuck anywhere? If so, why?

    • Are you procrastinating on something? If so, why?

    • In-class exercise:

      • Identify a course you are currently taking or have taken in the past. This can also be our course.

      • The A-Team will collectively decide upon one course to redesign with the concepts of The Art of Gathering in mind.

      • Brainstorm and ideate possibilities for a single class period paying close attention to the purpose, opening, and closing.

  • Share and discuss your gathering process and progress with the class.

Wk 10 April 5, 2024 | PRODUCTION & EXECUTION of Your Gathering(s)

Prepare for Our Gathering

  • Extra Credit: Attend Keynote for Liberal Studies Student Research Colloquium on Friday, April 5, 11 AM - 12 PM ET. However, there is breakfast before and lunch directly after. Location: Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Sq South 4th Floor, Eisner & Lubin Auditorium. RSVP Here:

  • Document and create entries in your process/project management platforms.

  • Work on your 1st or 2nd gathering depending on if you've already done your 1st gathering. Use the gathering documentation slides as a guide.

  • If you have gathered, document your gathering and be prepared to present it to the class.

During Class

  • Discuss your key takeaways and impressions of The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker if you have not done so already.

    • Angelique

  • Discuss your gatherer interview

    • Angelique

  • Present your gathering documentation for anyone who did a gathering for this class the past week or prior weeks.

    • Maggie, Feb

  • Meet with your A-Teams!

    • Discuss your revised checklist and rules with your A-Team!

    • Discuss any revisions for your priming, ushering, and launching for your gathering(s).

    • Discuss any revisions for your invite.

    • Discuss last week's progress and next steps.

    • Discuss any risks or problems.

    • Are you stuck anywhere? If so, why?

    • Are you procrastinating on something? If so, why?

    • In-class exercise:

      • After having a week to marinate on the ideating of your classroom session redesign, design or iterate the design for a single session paying close attention to the purpose, opening, and closing.

  • Share and discuss your process and progress.

  • Continue to brainstorm how you would redesign a class using principles from The Art of Gathering!

Wk 11 April 12, 2024 | PRINCE SYMPOSIUM, 370 Jay, Rm 202

Prepare for Our Gathering Today

  • Work on your 1st or 2nd gathering depending on if you've already done your 1st gathering. Use the gathering documentation slides as a guide.

During Our Gathering

  • We will not be meeting in class. Instead, we will meet in 370 Jay, Rm 202, for the #EroticCity40 Prince Symposium.

  • I am hosting this gathering. Please arrive by or before 2:20pm and make sure I see you. Come up and say hello. Here's the schedule.

    • Purple Rain album presentations, 2:30–4:30pm.

    • Purple Rain album roundtable discussion, 5–6:30pm.

      • If you can't stay for the entire time, you can leave at 5:50pm.

  • Observe based on the principles from The Art of Gathering, and take notes for your reflection.

Wk 12 April 19, 2024 | PRODUCTION & EXECUTION of Your Gathering(s) / Prince Symposium Reflection and Response

Prepare for Our Gathering

  • Write and post a reflection about the Prince Symposium, based on the principles from The Art of Gathering, on Discord in the #reflections-and-responses channel.

  • If you have gathered since we last met as a class, document your gathering and be prepared to present it to class.

  • Work on your 1st or 2nd gathering depending on if you've already done your 1st gathering. Use the gathering documentation slides as a guide.

  • Document and create entries in your process/project management platforms.

During Class

  • Check Remaining Student Gathering Dates

  • Present your gathering documentation for anyone who did a gathering for this class the past week or prior weeks.

    • Rehma - Friday, April 5

    • Sarah - Saturday, April 13

  • Discuss Prince symposium reflections and do in-class exercise: Help De Angela brainstorm how to get more students to attend the symposium.

  • Meet with your A-Teams!

    • Discuss your revised checklist and rules with your A-Team!

    • Discuss any revisions for your priming, ushering, and launching for your gathering(s).

    • Discuss any revisions for your invite.

    • Discuss last week's progress and next steps.

    • Discuss any risks or problems.

    • Are you stuck anywhere? If so, why?

    • Are you procrastinating on something? If so, why?

    • In-class exercise:

      • After having a week to marinate on the ideating of your classroom session redesign, design or iterate the design for a single session paying close attention to the purpose, opening, and closing.

  • Share and discuss your process and progress.

Wk 13 April 26, 2024 | PRODUCTION & EXECUTION of Your Gathering(s) / Revise Your Gatherer/Gathering MANIFESTOS and MANTRAS

Prepare for Our Gathering

  • Lily, create a process presentation (In other words, what have you done so far for your gathering? Present it to the class using the gathering plan as guidance for your presentation.)

  • If you have gathered since our last class or before and you have not presented it to the class, document your gathering and be prepared to present it to the class.

  • Work on your 1st or 2nd gathering depending on if you've already done your 1st gathering. Use the gathering documentation slides as a guide.

  • Review your Manifesto and Mantra as a creator/gatherer OR for your gatherings. Revise or rewrite them in light of reading The Art of Gathering and planning, organizing, and hosting your own gatherings.

    • Post your revised or rewritten manifestos or links to your creator/gatherer/gathering manifestos in the #manifestos Discord channel.

    • Post your revised or rewritten mantra or links to your creator/gatherer/gathering mantra in the #mantras Discord channel.

    Schedule your final one on one IF you haven't already done so.

During Class

  • Course Feedback

  • Schedule your final one on one via Zoom preferably IF you haven't already done so (AFTER our last class which is Friday, May 3)

  • Check-in with students

  • Present your gathering documentation for anyone who did a gathering for this class the past week or prior weeks, but haven't presented yet.

    • Maggie – Saturday, April 13

    • Katrina – Thursday, April 18

    • Angelique & Mia - Saturday, April 20

    • Heidi - Saturday, April 20

    • Dahong – April 17-20 (Wednesday through Saturday)

  • Check Remaining Student Gathering Dates

  • Process Presentations (In other words, what have you done so far for your gathering? Present it to the class using the gathering plan as guidance for your presentation.)

    • Lily, May 5 (Sunday)

  • Discuss revised manifestos and mantras

Wk 14 May 3, 2024 | Last Day of Class

Prepare for Our Gathering Today

  • Maan, create a process presentation (In other words, what have you done so far for your gathering? Present it to the class using the gathering plan as guidance for your presentation.)

  • If you have gathered since our last class or before and you have not presented it to the class, document your gathering and be prepared to present it to the class.

  • Post a link to your presentation about your gathering(s) on Discord in the #your-gatherings channel.

    • Remember your presentation should be 7 minutes or less and focus on the outcomes and lessons learned as much as possible while also answering (why, what, who, when, where, and how?)

  • Schedule your final one on one IF you haven't already done so.

During Class

  • Present your presentation using the gathering plan as guidance. Particularly, showcase the outcomes and lessons learned.

    • Mya & Angelique

    • Aidan

    • Sudipta

  • Process Presentation (In other words, what have you done so far for your gathering? Present it to the class using the gathering plan as guidance for your presentation.)

    • Maan, May 4 & 5 (Saturday and Sunday)

  • 3-4:30pm IDM Guest Speaker: LaJuné McMillian

  • Guest Speaker Gathering Reflection

  • What was your favorite gathering of the semester? It doesn't necessarily have to be one of the gatherings that you, personally, hosted. (post-its)

  • What are 1 to 3 key takeaways from The Art of Gathering book and/or course that you will take with you beyond this course? (post-its)

  • Course wrap-up and final remarks

Monday, May 6, 2024 | LAST DAY OF SPRING 2024 CLASSES

By or before Tuesday, May 7, 2024 11:59 PM (EST) | Complete Course Feedback

May 8–10, 2024 (Wed-Fri) | Final One-On-Ones

Schedule 15 minutes ONLY at

  • via Zoom

What's Due Today

  • Final Self Assessment and Letter to Next Cohort (Direct message on Discord a pdf or link to Google doc to De Angela the day BEFORE your meeting). If you don't send me these docs in advance, I'll kindly ask you to reschedule. There's a link at the bottom of the calendar description Calendly generates where you can do so.

  • Other End of Semester Deliverables that you should already have.

Last updated