Accountability Team

Accountability Teams (aka A-Teams) are opportunities for you to get constructive feedback and ask questions about your senior project and provide constructive feedback to your teammates about their projects.

You will either volunteer for or get assigned to a team of 3 people by or during the third class after drop/add.

  • Aki, Cui Hua

  • Angelique, Yoojin, Meghana

  • Alex, Arianny, Anagha

  • Iryn, Rebecca, Allison

Will add Langyue to one of the teams above once I get an idea of their senior project direction.

For the first meeting
On a weekly basis
  • Take notes for each other's demos and presentations.

  • Provide moral support and encouragement.

Collaborative Meeting Notes Guidelines

Your team should collaboratively take meeting notes (e.g., using Google Docs), or you can rotate the note-taker position for each meeting.

What to Include in Your Notes:

  • Names of all A-Team members present

  • Date, Time, and Modality (in-person, virtual, or asynchronous)

  • Questions asked during the meeting

  • Feedback received for each member

  • Any other key insights or discussions

Organizing Your Notes:

  • Keep all weekly notes in a single Google Doc.

  • Use headers to structure the document for easy navigation, similar to your weekly status updates.

  • One Google Doc per A-Team, starting February 12, with weekly updates.

Access and Sharing:

  • Grant editing access to all A-Team members and the instructor.

  • Grant view access to everyone else.

  • Post the link to this Google doc.

Last updated