IDM Showcase
Last updated
Last updated
Main Showcase: Date and time TBD in May
Eventbrite Link: TBA
Set-up TBD Break-down of Showcase Spaces: TBD
Locations: 370 Jay St, 2nd FL: Media Commons and 3rd FL
Participation is MANDATORY for the end-of-semester showcase!! The student showcase is a part of your grade.
You must fill out this form [Link to be added].
Deadlines To be Announced and Added here.
You can see submissions from last semester here:
It will be science fair style, meaning most students will be presenting from their laptop.
Your senior project will be publicly shown in the IDM showcase at the end of the semester. Exhibiting your work is truly a gift of accomplishment, response, and feedback.
Show Your Work: Your project should be as complete as humanly possible. You will exhibit your senior project publicly in the IDM Showcase. If you don't understand the importance and benefits of exhibiting your work, I HIGHLY recommend that you read Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon NOW (Cheat Sheet).
Network: Include your senior project on your portfolio website. You should also consider displaying your process website, as well as having business cards, postcards, and/or copies of your résumé handy.
Document Your Work and Feedback! Take photos and/or videos of your exhibition. Document audience feedback. Upload both to your project documentation folder for your end-of-semester deliverables!