If you put off everything ‘till you’re sure of it, you’ll get nothing done.
~ Norman Vincent Peale
Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.
~Mark Twain
Project Versions refer to a project’s life cycle.
The specific parameters and expectations of each version will be individually determined in consultation with the professor except for the teaser.
Teaser Video
A teaser contains the ideas, vision, and story behind your project in a 1 to 3 minute video. It's totally ok if it's less than a minute.
You will use the contents of your project plan to create your teaser. The main requirement will be your elevator pitch which is your concept + primary audience + medium +outcomes.
You decide what else you want to include.
It can be live-action video, an animation/motion graphics, text only, or a combination! This can also be done in powerpoint, keynote, or google slides. You can export any of these as a video.
Think about how can you get people excited about your project!
There's more than one way to do this.
Instructions on converting google and powerpoint slides into a video.
Please feel free to use the Google slide template that I shared with you before (File -> Make A Copy) as a very quick way to share the essentials of your project with others as a quick exported video. We discussed two ways to export video in class.
File-> Share -> Publish to the Web: Select how many seconds you want the slide to auto-advance, check start slideshow, and (optional) check restart the slideshow IF you want it to loop.
Export as a Powerpoint (File-> Download); Open in Powerpoint, then File->Export-> File Format->mp4
Here is a third, use the Google Chrome Creator Studio Extension.
A medium-fidelity prototype is when the functionality, form, and implementation are as complete as possible. It will eventually transition to a high-fidelity prototype.
Gold AKA Launch is when all the bugs in your project have been fixed and quality is assured. It is ready to go public. It is ready to be "shipped" and consumed by the public.
Social Media Promotion
Promote your project on LinkedIn and at least one social media platform of your choosing.
In your project plan, you should set your expected outcomes and deadlines for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) / Low-fidelity Prototype, Medium-Fidelity Prototype (Preview), and Gold (Launch) versions of your project. Outline what each version of your project needs to include, and put a timeline (midterm demo, IDM showcase, or last day of class) on when they should be completed by.
Alpha (or Preview) should land roughly about a week before the Midterm demo. However, if you're moving quicker it might be your Beta.
Otherwise, your Beta should be completed for the IDM Showcase. However, if you're moving quicker it might be your Gold (Launch) version.
At the very latest, your Gold (Launch) version should be the version that you present on the last day of class.
Note: unless the IDM showcase is scheduled AFTER the last day of class. Then, your Beta would be due on the last day of class and the launch(gold) at the IDM showcase.
Feedback Through User Testing
You should be conducting research and user testing with your target audience throughout the ENTIRE semester. Do not wait until the last minute to begin user testing; User testing gives you invaluable feedback about your project.
The following are guidelines and not rules.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) / Low-fidelity Prototype: An animated storyboard/animatic that outlines your entire story or concept from start to finish. You should be able to show this to another person who is unfamiliar with your project and have them understand the full concept from start to finish.
Medium-Fidelity Prototype (Preview): A close-to-complete version of your final animation or video. You may still be missing a few small shots or may need to render your final animation at this point.
Final Project (Ship or Launch): A polished, final render of your project. All shots should be complete, and your video should convey your full concept to your audience. Please be sure to produce a render of your video that is easily sharable for presentation & IDM showcase purposes.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) / Low-fidelity Prototype: A wireframe/low-fidelity version of your project that includes testable functionality. You do not need to have color or fancy graphics at this point, but you do need to understand the basic layout and the functional user flow. You should be able to test this and receive valuable feedback so that you can move forward with your next iteration.
Medium-Fidelity Prototype (Preview): This version of your project should be very close to your final vision. You should have thoroughly tested the functionality of the app/interface/website and confirmed that your users can properly navigate it to complete the desired task. You may still have a couple bugs to work out or graphics to add in, but we should be able to see how the final version will appear and function at this point.
Final Project (Ship or Launch): A polished, fully functional version of your project that includes all necessary visual elements. There should be no glaring issues in the user's experience when interacting with your project. Someone should be able to complete the overall task, flow, or goal associated with your project.
Digital or Physical Game
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) / Low-fidelity Prototype: A playable version of your game with basic functionality. This does not need to be pretty - it just needs to be playable to the point where you can begin to playtest with users and iterate. If you are making a level-based game, you should aim to have at least one full level playable at this stage.
Medium-Fidelity Prototype (Preview): This version of your game should look close to complete. There may still be a couple bugs present and you might be missing a couple assets, but the bulk of your finished project should be there. This version should have been thoroughly playtested with users to guarantee you are providing the best game experience possible with your project.
Final Project (Ship or Launch): A polished, playable game that is as bug-free as possible. You finished product should look good enough that you could proudly present it to an investor, or release it to an app store.
Print Project/Comic Book
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) / Low-fidelity Prototype: A black and white storyboard that outlines the entire story or piece of information that you are trying to convey with your project. You should be able to hand this to another person who is unfamiliar with your project and have them understand the full concept from start to finish.
Medium-Fidelity Prototype (Preview): Since this is a print project, you will need to calculate printing times into your project timeline. Your "Beta" version should be a finished draft of your project, ready to go to print.
Final Project (Ship or Launch): A printed, complete version of your project that conveys your full story from start to finish. Since this is a printed project, you should have a hard copy of your project on hand during the final presentations to show.
Please make sure you consider budget and time constraints when printing your materials! Depending on how you choose to print, this process could take up to a month to complete. Do your research early.
Physical Object
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) / Low-fidelity Prototype: A basic prototype of your project that you can use to learn something about your object. Perhaps you need to test scale, and will build a cardboard version to test. Perhaps, you need to research and test different materials. Perhaps you are trying to make a detailed 3D print, and need to learn if your printing process will work for this project.
Medium-Fidelity Prototype (Preview): This version of your project should be close to the final version, but might not be fully polished. You might still need to finish painting your object, or finish laser etching a logo into the side. This object should give us a full picture view of your object's intention, value, purpose, and functionality.
Final Project (Ship or Launch): This is your polished, final object. There should be no missing pieces, no unintentional imperfections, and it should serve the purpose you intended when you set out to create this object. Have it with you during your final presentation so we can see how it exists in physical space.
Please make sure you consider budget and time restraints when building a physical object! The MakerSpace is known to get a bit chaotic near the end of the semester, so be sure to give yourself additional time to account for print failures and crowded machines.
Social Media Promotion
Promote your project on LinkedIn and at least one social media platform of your choosing.