☑️Wk 4 Feb 12, 2025 | Low-res Prototype / MVP (One on Ones & A-Teams)

What's Due Today

(OPTIONAL) Revise your project plan if needed.

Create low-res prototype(s) of your project.

Be prepared to discuss your project plan and show low-res prototype(s).

After doing the above, please FILL OUT week 4's weekly status updates.

During Class

You should come to class to meet with your Accountability Teams to discuss key insights from letters from the previous cohort and to provide feedback on each other's project process/progress.

  • There are instructions for other conversations with your A-Team on the accountability teams webpage.

  • If you haven't been assigned an Accountability Team yet, join one. It doesn't matter which one.

  • How do you know which one you are on? Go to the Accountability Team page on our gitbook and click on the expandable menu labeled "A-Team."

I would recommend that you talk to other students, who are not on your A-Team, about your project during this open class period, as well.

When it's time for your one on one, come to my office. When you're done, go back to class and do the tasks outlined in this section. One-On-Ones for all Students Schedule (Google Doc accessible with NYU email)

We'll discuss:

Individual Exercise:

After completing the IDM Showcase Vision Exercise, I'd reconvene with your A-Teams to discuss.

You can use any remaining time to catch up on your homework and work on your senior project.

I'm going to to post the homework and what we'll be doing in class for next week, tomorrow, after I've had an opportunity to meet with all of you today.

Last updated