Final Self Assessment

  • Please name your file as lastname__senior_sp22_finalassessment.pdf

  • Export as a pdf and upload to your project documentation folder for your end of semester deliverables.

  • Also, send it to De Angela as a direct message on Slack.


Any action without reflection is meaningless; real learning only occurs as part of a reflective process. Reflection is studying your own practice as seriously as you study anything; it involves thinking about why, what, and how you create something. In any learning situation, you should study beforehand, make/do, debug, reflect, adjust, and do it all over again. Learning happens in a cycle, illustrated in the diagrams below.

As a student, you should also develop your critical thinking skills. This will initially involve critiquing other people’s work but ultimately you also want to be able to critique your own work. This will allow you to develop as a creator.

Of Project

Critically analyze/evaluate your senior project final execution.

  • What qualitative description would you give the final execution of your project so far and why?

    • (i.e. excellent, very good, good, etc. Consult the grading overview descriptions presented earlier in this syllabus.)

  • Do your deliverables match your initial concept (or last impact statement)?

  • Did you do what you said you were going to do (integrity, accountability)?

  • Did you execute all aspects of your project by the best means possible (craft and care)?

  • Lessons Learned / What would you do differently if you could redo this project?

Of Process

Critically analyze/evaluate your senior project process.

  • How did you approach your project? Did you focus on the forest (entire project as a whole) or the trees (details) at first? When did you transition to the other IF you did?

  • Did you manage your time properly?

  • Did you prioritize effectively?

  • What qualitative description would you give your overall process and why?

    • (i.e. excellent, very good, good, etc. Consult the grading overview descriptions presented earlier in this syllabus.)

Of Self

  • How have you grown as a creative over the course of the semester?

  • If your growth is not where you would like it to be, what specific steps will you take to improve in the future?

  • What other things have you learned about yourself in this course?

Of Accountability Team

  • Was your A-Team useful to you this semester? Why or why not?

  • What would you do differently if you could begin again with your A-Team?

  • Will you keep in touch with members of your A-Team after graduation? Why or why not?

Of Classmates

  • Which classmate(s) inspired you the most and why?

Of The Course

  • Feedback on the senior project syllabus

  • Feedback on senior project communication (gitbook and slack)

  • Feedback on the senior project course content (project, assignments, readings, etc.)

  • Feedback on the senior project course structure (presentations, group critiques, demos, one on one meetings, accountability partners, etc)

  • What change(s) would you make to senior project and why?

  • What resources have you found to be specifically helpful to you for this course? And why?

Of IDM Showcase

Please note I will copy and paste all of your responses into one document while keeping your anonymity intact and forward them to the IDM Showcase organizers.

  • What worked? What didn't work? Ideas? Suggestions for Improvement? for the:

    • IDM showcase submission process

    • IDM showcase website

Last updated