
John Cage tells us that not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis. His advice: begin anywhere. ~Bruce Mau's Manifesto.

1 Fill out this quick, 3-question survey

You must use your NYU email to see the survey.

2 Join Our Slack Workspace and Channel

Join our shared slack workspace with the other sections of IDM Senior Project with your email address.

  • Join our specific class section channel (#duff), as well as

  • The #student-lounge is where you can interact with students from all six sections.

  • The #announcements-for-all-monday-sections channel is where you will find announcements that apply to all four sections on Mondays.

Our slack workspace is not just for me. It's for you and the other senior project sections, too. Let's make Slack one of our collective workspaces! Miro will be the other. Free feel to share what has been helping you stay happy, healthy, or productive during this unprecedented time in our workspace slack channel (#student-lounge). Also share resources and references with each other. Also, interact with the students in the other sections in the #studentlounge channel. You can also direct message any student or faculty member from the four sections on slack. All classes are using the same slack workspace. You can also direct message more than one person at a time for group messages.

3 Read The Syllabus Thoroughly
  • Read the syllabus and be prepared to discuss and ask questions on first day of class.

  • Please direct message De Angela on Slack if you find any broken links or typos in the syllabus.

4 Populate A Calendar With Due Dates

Populate a calendar (google, iCal, or analog) with due dates for this class, your other classes, and other commitments, even though dates may change.

5 Create a Senior Project Google Drive Folder

Create a google drive folder labeled "Senior Project SP22 your first and last name" and share with (i.e. Senior Project SP22 De Angela Duff). Bookmark it! I highly recommend using Toby for Chrome and Toby Mini. You can organize your browser tabs in collections and with one click re-open multiple tabs at once.

6 Sign Up for the FREE Educational Version of Miro and Watch less than 10 min of tutorials
  • We will be using Miro, a digital, collaborative whiteboarding tool. You do not need a Miro account to edit the board we'll be using, but I highly recommend that you sign up for a FREE educational license

  • It's pretty intuitive to use. However, here is are some Miro tutorials if you are unfamiliar with the application.

  • Hover over the toolbar to the left in Miro's interface to quickly get a sense of what each tool does.

  • The Comment tool looks like a quote. It's the 8th icon from the top of the left toolbar.

  • The Zoom tool is in the bottom right hand corner of the interface. Hover over the percentage and you'll be able to see + and - signs. There are also key commands to zoom in and out (control + and - on the mac).

7 Read Plans vs Goals vs Resolutions vs Intentions from the Bullet Journal Blog

Plans vs Goals vs Resolutions vs Intentions from the Bullet Journal Blog

8 Read & Write A Response to Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad by Austin Kleon

Note: There are response guidelines outlined here.

  • The reading is approximately 55 minutes. However, it's an easy and hopefully enjoyable read.

  • You can find Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad by Austin Kleon as an ebook on NYU's library website.

  • AFTER reading, write a response in the #duff slack channel. Respond to 1 to 3 of the 10 tenets he outlines that resonate(s) with you. If the entire book doesn't resonate with you, discuss why.

9 (OPTIONAL) Brainstorm Project Ideas

No worries if you are not able to populate yo

10 Populate Project Plan (Miro)

Just Start! Think Progress/Iteration Over Perfection!

  • Prepare your project plan on this shared board for the entire class on Miro. Navigate to the frame labeled with your name. See #6 above for Miro tutorials.

  • Be prepared to discuss your project plan on the 1st day of class. Everybody should be ready to present on the first day of class.

  • You will have an opportunity to iterate it. So do the best you can for this first iteration.

  • Don't stress out about this. Explore and have fun!

  • (OPTIONAL) Brainstorm if you need to before you populate your project plan.

Last updated