Week 6 Detail Mar 7

Deliverables (DUE ON DATE LISTED)

Project Demo Deliverables:

  • Upload your project demo or link(s) and supporting files to https://padlet.com/dd1849/sp22duffdemos by noon on Monday, March 7 at the very latest so your classmates can make comments about your project demo.

  • AFTER your classmates have uploaded their demos, comment on 3 of your classmates' project demos IN ADDITION TO the members of your A-Team by adding a card with your name as the title (unless you create a padlet account and are logged in. We need to know whose comments are whose) underrneath the column of the classmate project demo you are commenting on.

  • Review the rules of the critique (AKA giving and receiving feedback to improve your project).

  • Review the project demo overview.

The Usual Weekly Deliverables:


Last updated