
After interacting with a reading, audio, video, or exhibition, post a short response in our class slack channel (#duff) about what resonated with you the most. Do not summarizeβ€”in other words, do not regurgitate. Rather, you should add or discuss:

  • Include a link to the URL (if applicable) within your post.

  • any epiphanies or insights that occurred to you.

  • Describe how the experience may or may not reflect your own project and process. Will it inform or change your project or process in any way? Why or why not?

Answer the following questions:

  • Three key point(s) (or the most useful or valuable thing(s) you learned) from this resource that can be applied to your senior project and/or your creative process, and why.

  • Is there anything you disagree with and why? Or anything you do differently or would do differently?

  • How does this resource connect with or break from your prior knowledge?

  • (if applicable) Any confusing points?

Last updated