Pro Practices Revisions

Vision is the bottleneck of talent. Most talent is wasted because people do not clearly know what they want. It’s not a lack of effort but a lack of direction. There are many capable people in the world, but relatively few that focus on what matters. ~James Clear

Iterate the following from professional practices and post your portfolio website and LinkedIn URLs in this google doc:

Portfolio Website

This website should market and promote your entire body of work including your senior project for possible employment or other post graduation opportunities. Ideally, you should have your own domain name. I suggest getting your own domain name through an ISP (Internet Service Provider. I recommend Siteground or Dreamhost.

LinkedIn Profile

Make sure you connect with me, your peers in this section of senior project, the other senior project sections, and with as many people as possible in the IDM community. Continue to build your network.

Iterate and export the following as pdfs and upload them to your project documentation folder for your end of semester deliverables in a folder named Pro Practices Revisions.

Please name your files as:

  • lastname_senior_sp22_resume.pdf and

  • lastname_senior_sp22_cover.pdf


(which should contain the URL to your portfolio website)


Cover Letter

Write or revise a cover letter to a position or opportunity you have already applied for or would like to apply for.


Short Videos

I've created some very short videos talking about 2 to 3 students' pro practices materials from last spring in each of the following categories.

Last updated