Week 7 Detail Mar 21

Deliverables (DUE ON DATE LISTED)

Project Demo Deliverables:

  • REVISE your teaser video to include your current working title, refined elevator pitch, etc. It's totally ok if it's less than a minute. Again, the main requirement is your elevator pitch which is your concept + primary audience + medium. You decide what else you want to include. Post your video on our Miro board under the frame labeled "Revised Teaser."

  • REVISE your project demo or link(s) and supporting files.

  • Post your revised teaser video first and post your revised project demo and supporting files on https://padlet.com/dd1849/sp22duffdemos2 by noon on Monday, March 21 at the very latest so your classmates can make comments about your project demo revisions.

  • Comment on 3 additional classmates' project demos by adding a comment or card with your name as the title (unless you create a padlet account and are logged in. We need to know whose comments are which) underrneath the column of the classmate project demo you are commenting on.

    • What is working about the project?

    • What is confusing or needs more clarification about the project? Questions?

    • What are ways that the project can be improved? Suggestions?

    • What additional references, resources, projects, and/or links would be useful for this project?

The Usual Weekly Deliverables:


"Greatness is consistency. Meditating once is common. Meditating daily is rare. Exercising today is simple. Training every week is simply remarkable. Writing one essay rarely matters. Write every day and you're practically a hero. Unheroic days can make for heroic decades." James Clear

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